LinkedIn Page admin roles permissions

Last updated: 1 month ago

LinkedIn Page admin access consists of the super admin, content admin, curator, and analyst roles. Each role gives you permission to perform a set of tasks on behalf of your Page.

Important to know

Super and content admins:

  • Might require additional permissions through email verification to manage job postings. 
  • Can only create Sponsored Content ads on behalf of a Page through a Campaign Manager ad account. 

Permissions Page admin access
Super admin Content admin Curator Analyst  
Manage admins  
Manage Page and paid media admins        
Edit Page  
Edit all available fields of the Page        
Admin tools  
Invite connections to follow      
Create Showcase Pages        
Deactivate the Page        
Approve association between company and developer application (API-specific)        
Restrict members from your Page      
See organic posts by author      
Create, manage, comment on, and react to posts and Sponsored Content as the Page      
Boost or sponsor organic posts      
Post Jobs      
Create and manage Events      
Go Live from the Page (requires application and approval)      
Create and edit recommended content    
Untag Page from photos posted by members      
Send employee notifications      
Post content through third-party sites      
Manage messages to the Page (only for eligible Pages)      
Product Pages  
Create Product Pages  ✓      
Edit Product Pages      
View and export analytics  
See social activity notifications      
See admin suggestion notifications        

Related tasks

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