Paid media Roles on your LinkedIn Page

Last updated: 1 year ago

Paid media admin roles on a LinkedIn Page include Landing Pages admin, Sponsored Content poster, and Lead Gen Forms manager roles. Each role allows you take specific actions on behalf of your Page.

Sponsored Content poster and Lead Gen Forms manager admins can take specific actions on behalf of the Page through Campaign Manager. Landing Pages admins can manage leads through LinkedIn Recruiter.

 Permissions Paid media admin roles
Landing Pages admin Lead Gen Forms manager Sponsored Content poster
 Manage admins      
Add or remove other Landing Pages admins  ✓    
Create, edit, and delete Sponsored Content      ✓
Sponsor Page Posts (Campaign Manager)      ✓
View Visitor Analytics on LinkedIn Page      ✓
See Landing Pages Analytics  ✓    
Create and manage Landing Pages and Landing Pages Analytics    
Download leads in Campaign Manager (LGF)    

Learn more