Request admin access to a LinkedIn Page

Last updated: 6 months ago

Request LinkedIn Page admin access to a LinkedIn Page to manage its components and be eligible to contact support with requests about your Page. This grants all current super admins access to your public profile information.

Advertisers who want to create new ads or sponsor organic content can request Sponsored Content poster admin permission through Campaign Manager. It can also be assigned by an existing Page super admin.

Request Landing Pages admin and Lead Gen Form manager access by contacting your Page super admin.

Here's a tip

To access a Page as an admin, no separate LinkedIn account login is needed. Instead, you’ll log into your own LinkedIn account where you have admin access and go to your Page admin view.

To request admin access to a Page:

  1. List your current position with the organization on your profile in the Experience section. This step is required.

  2. Go to the Page you’d like admin access to.
  3. Click the More button and select Request admin access from the dropdown.
  4. Click the checkbox to verify that you’re authorized to become an admin of the Page.
  5. Click the Request access button.
    • You may be prompted to confirm your company email address.

You'll receive confirmation in your Notification tab once you've been assigned Page admin access.

If the Page is actively managed, a super admin must approve your request. If the Page isn’t actively managed, you may be automatically approved.

Important to know

LinkedIn customer support can't provide admin information to members or employees of the Page.

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