Delete your data on LinkedIn

Last updated: 3 months ago
You're able to delete all or some of your account data (e.g., if it's no longer necessary to provide LinkedIn services to you). If you would like to delete all your account data, you will need to close your LinkedIn account. You can also hibernate your account as an alternative to closing it.
Select a link below to learn how to delete the following:
Data Type Description of Deletion
Articles Articles you've drafted and published.
Close account All of your LinkedIn data and close your account.
Certifications Remove certifications from your profile.
Contributions Remove Contributions you've made to collaborative articles.
Email Address Remove an Email Address from Your LinkedIn Account.
Feed Comments made in posts, articles, or replies to other comments.
Groups Comments you've posted in a group.
Group Posts Posts and comments posted in a group.
Messages Delete individual or group message threads and conversation history.
Positions Add, change, or remove positions from the Experience section of your profile.
Profile activity Posts of changes and activity you've made to your profile.
Public Profile Visibility Delete individual or group message threads and conversation history.
Recommendations Revise or delete a recommendation you've given to another member.
Resume/CV Delete your resume/CV saved for job applications.
Search history Past searches from the search bar.
Shared content Content you've recently shared, such as updates or posts.
You can control the visibility of your profile and posts and easily view and modify your account information, privacy preferences, ads settings, and communication notifications from the Settings & Privacy page.

If you'd like to request assistance to delete your data or delete data that isn't listed above, please complete the LinkedIn Data Deletion Form.