From the course: Marketing Strategy: Competitive Intelligence

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Research competitor interactions with customers

Research competitor interactions with customers

From the course: Marketing Strategy: Competitive Intelligence

Research competitor interactions with customers

- [Instructor] There could be many reasons why people choose your competitor's products over yours. It doesn't take deep pockets and millions of dollars to find out. Customers are leaving breadcrumbs for you to find. You can see how they interact on social media and hear what they're saying online. The question is will you take the time to follow the breadcrumbs which paint a larger picture about their choices? Here are three areas you can research to paint a clearer picture. The first is search engine optimization, SEO. How customers search represents what they're thinking and how they're interacting. Knowing how often they search and what other subjects are tied to searches tells you something about their mindset. For example, a keyword search tool such as WordStream provides search volume and related keywords. Let's say you're the brand Tide detergent, and you want to know who's interested in Mrs. Meyer's lavender…
