From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

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Using the Blender curve tool

Using the Blender curve tool - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3.0 Vintage Car Creation

Using the Blender curve tool

- [Instructor] Well, now I'd like to add some rear view mirrors on the sides here, and you may be noticing that there are no rear view mirrors in our reference images. Well, that's kind of an interesting thing about this car in all the reference images that I have. Here's rear view mirrors on this car, in this image on both sides, and I'm going to grab this little program here. This is a program called PureRef. It allows you to drag reference images onto this panel so you can see them all at once. And so here's that image that I have over here. It has the mirrors on either side and you can see they're kind of flat and it's got kind of a thin stem here. And then you look at, say, this one over here, it looks a little more rounded on the back and it's back at the door, whereas this one over here is up on the fenders. And then you look at this. This looks very similar to this, but it's back on the door. And there are…
