From the course: Cybersecurity Careers and Certifications

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- There are certain qualities and criteria that can help you land cybersecurity jobs. I call them prerequisites, even though they may not be strictly required for all jobs in this field. If you're interested in a cybersecurity job, though, you'll want to have as many of these prerequisites as possible, especially if you're just starting out. First, it's only logical that someone who wants a cybersecurity job should have a passion for technology and security. Your job will heavily involve technology and security, and if you don't have a passion for them, you may find that you're in over your head or you might get bored. Second, you'll want to either already have a bachelor's degree or be currently pursuing one. While not required for all cybersecurity jobs, they're often included in job listings for all but the most entry-level positions. Having a degree in a related field can only help your chances of getting that job.…
