From the course: Complete Guide to Oracle Database 23ai: From Beginner to Advanced

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Data obfuscation

Data obfuscation

- [Instructor] In the overall scheme of data obfuscation, Oracle data redaction is one of the lesser known but coolest features of hiding data from prying eyes. Some of the most targeted information is personal identifiable information, AKA PII. What is PII? Any information that can be used to identify individuals, or users, or in a combination together that will. When PII data is present, such as Social Security numbers, and an organization's wish to only display the last four digits is known, Oracle data redaction can be employed with a policy to display Xs in place of the first five digits of the Social Security number. Therefore, protecting vital information. Redaction can be used to build out complex policies via the command line or from Oracle Enterprise Manager to hide payment card information such as critical PII. Although there are some caveats if an application writes back to the database, such as making sure the app doesn't write back the redacted data versus the actual…
