From the course: Decision Intelligence

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Barriers to organizational decision-making

Barriers to organizational decision-making

From the course: Decision Intelligence

Barriers to organizational decision-making

- Before we talk about delivering value in a large organization, let's come face to face with some barriers to good organizational decision making. First, there could be information illiteracy and data illiteracy, which makes it hard to communicate. Two, a lack of skills doesn't help matters. Sometimes experts are hard to hire. And there might be a lack of advocacy about what's possible. Then, decision responsibility might be spread unwisely in an organization. As you become more and more senior, a lot of your duties will boil down to making sure that decision responsibility is correctly delegated. And please, I hope you haven't gotten all the way to this point in the course, and you still think that the person at the top has the bandwidth to make every decision in their organization. Absolutely not. Delegation is important. Then number five, there might be a lagging investment in personnel, processes, data, and…
