From the course: Ethical Hacking: Introduction to Ethical Hacking

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Grasping the importance of ethical hacking

Grasping the importance of ethical hacking

- [Instructor] Ethical hacking, also known as penetration testing or pen testing, is the practice of evaluating the security of computers, networks, and applications. In this segment, we'll review the importance of ethical hacking and testing and networks' defenses. First, let's talk about vulnerability scanning. Many organizations conduct regular scans. The network administrator might say, "I'm doing regular scanning. Why do I need ethical hacking?" Well, that's a fair question, but there is a difference between scanning the network and an ethical hacking exercise. Scanning is done within an organization to check for vulnerabilities and configuration issues on networks, applications, and devices. Once complete, the results are displayed as to what was found during the scan. The next step is that someone will need to read the report and interpret the results. While a vulnerability scan will find many vulnerabilities, it…
