From the course: Excel 2016 Essential Training

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Removing duplicate records

Removing duplicate records

- If you work with lists of data, and particularly if a list has been worked on by different people, and you're getting data from different sources, you sometimes encounter the problem of duplicate records. And on this worksheet called "RemoveDuplicates," we're seeing, for example, in rows 5 and 6, the same data, exactly, all the way across. We also have two Thomas Allens, but those are actually different people, and you can see the data. Now, when you find one of these, of course you're going to get rid of the data. The worry is, how many others do we have? The feature I'm about to show you, called "Remove Duplicates" doesn't require that the data in question, for example these two, they don't have to be adjacent to one another. They could be widely dispersed. You're likely to see them because you sorted the data and you see one here. But who has time to go through a potentially huge list here? As I double click the bottom edge of this cell, we see it goes down to row 743. Let's go…
