From the course: Getting Hands-On with GPT-4: Tips and Tricks

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Brainstorming with GPT

Brainstorming with GPT

- [Instructor] So we have writer's block. We're trying to brainstorm some ideas, but nothing's coming to us. Let's use GPT-4 to help us out. I'm in the GPT-4 console and I'm trying to plan an ice cream fundraiser for a charity. Let's go ahead and type in a prompt. I'm going to type in, brainstorm five ice cream fundraiser ideas. I'm going to hit Enter. Now, GPT-4 is going to provide us with some ideas. There we go, we have five ideas, so this looks pretty interesting. Now I want to get some feedback on these ideas. I particularly like the ice cream flavor competition, but let's say, can you give me three ideas that don't require too much prep? 'Cause this seems a little bit complicated, so let's type that out. Can you give me three ideas that don't require much prep? Okay, I like these ideas. I particularly like the ice cream coupon book. Let's prompt GPT-4 to see what are some fun illustrations we can put in this…
