From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

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Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

- Artificial intelligence is an important trend for supply chains, so we need to understand what it can do and how to integrate it into our operations. Most of the jobs that we do throughout a supply chain involve making decisions and taking actions. We make a decision about which supplier to buy a product from and then we take the action of placing an order. Every decision and action is the result of a process, and processes can be broken down into tasks. I like to analyze supply chain tasks using a model called the information value chain. Some tasks involve data. Data could be a name, a phone number, or a price. These are examples of structured data, but data can also include things like pictures, conversations, and videos that are called unstructured data. When we create a relationship between two pieces of data, we get information. This makes the data more valuable. For example, a picture with a description…
