From the course: Insights from a Cybersecurity Professional

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How do you stay on top of an ever-changing field?

How do you stay on top of an ever-changing field?

From the course: Insights from a Cybersecurity Professional

How do you stay on top of an ever-changing field?

- Things change in the world of cybersecurity so often you really just need to stay on top of it. I think the most important way that I do that is by reading and reading a lot. You can read all sorts of materials, whether it's books, or blogs, or just watching what people are saying on social media really helps you stay on top of things. The other thing that I think is crucial for cybersecurity professionals is really paying attention to what kind of incidents are happening today. You can learn a lot from just diving deep into an incident and figuring out what the attackers did, and then also how the company responded and what maybe you would do differently if you found yourself in that same situation. Another little side there is you can learn a lot from reading court filings. If a case makes it to court involving cybersecurity by reading all of the legal documents that are filed, you can often get a lot of detail behind…
