From the course: Introduction to Generative AI with GPT

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And then there was GPT

And then there was GPT

- For thousands of years, humans have been using all manner of complex tools to assist in their daily activities. It's what separates us from most of the rest of the animal kingdom. Augmenting our work has largely been welcomed. Over time our tools have become vastly more elaborate and helpful. Without machines, for example, the Industrial Revolutions would've been impossible, and the world we know today would not exist. Directly and indirectly, advancements in these tools and machines have resulted in the elevation of billions of people out of extreme poverty. Today, with a combination of robotics and artificial intelligence, or AI, smart machines are designing, developing, and deploying solutions with much less input from humans. AI-enabled capabilities powered by game-changing software and vast amounts of data are demonstrating familiar and convincing human behaviors, such as making things, problem-solving, and pattern…
