From the course: Introduction to Generative AI with GPT

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Career opportunities in AI and GPT

Career opportunities in AI and GPT

- While the important debate over the potential negative impacts of AI on existing jobs continues, let's also recognize that in every technological and societal shift, there are also plenty of winners. Each of the previous industrial revolutions made many jobs and businesses obsolete, but they also generated completely new work and industries that more often generated better economics than those they replaced. Sure, AI is anticipated to eliminate a lot of work, but it's important that we don't lose sight of the fact that new lucrative AI careers and business opportunities will also emerge in the years ahead. Any discussion on the future of AI must include the jobs and careers it will create and the ways it will augment the way many work. By transforming what and how work is delivered, according to the consulting firm, McKinsey, AI is projected to contribute $13 trillion to the global economy by 2030. The World Economic…
