From the course: Introduction to Generative AI with GPT

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GPT and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

GPT and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

From the course: Introduction to Generative AI with GPT

GPT and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

- [Instructor] The central function of GPT is the ability to ingest large amounts of data and use it as a basis to create original output in the form of text, video, and audio. The quality of text output, for example, is so high that it's often difficult to distinguish it from something written by a person. To enable and support this high quality output, a number of AI techniques are employed to make sense of input provided. GPT utilizes an approach that is at the intersection of computer and data science and human language called natural language processing or NLP. Let's begin with an example of NLP in action. Many of us now issue voice commands to digital services such as the popular virtual assistants Amazon Alexa and Google Home. These devices listen to our words, process this input, and then execute some actions such as playing a favorite album or turning on a light. This same technology that makes sense of voice…
