From the course: Introduction to Generative AI with GPT

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Limitations of GPT

Limitations of GPT

- [Instructor] Version four of GPT is remarkable in all that it can do today. It has come a long way since prior versions. Improvements include significantly better accuracy and reasoning, images as inputs, and support for much larger text prompts. However, even version four has some clear limitations to overcome. That said, let's recognize that while these limitations exist today, subsequent versions of GPT and its competitors have a high probability of overcoming these. In fact, this may happen sooner than many of us think. In this video, I'll touch on a few of the most obvious limitations of GPT-4. Sometimes when working with GPT, the quality of the content can make it seem that authentic thinking is happening. That is, the software is generating creative, original thought, and then producing the output. GPT doesn't understand and process prompts in the human sense. In reality, GPT is smartly regurgitating existing…
