From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Personnel safety

Personnel safety

- [Instructor] Employers have a duty to protect the physical safety of their employees. Physical security teams are responsible for implementing employee safety monitoring systems, duress monitoring, and protecting the safety of employees who must travel to other regions as part of their job responsibilities. Most of that information is outside the scope of the exam, but there are a few important facts that you should know. First, employers should always place the safety of their employees above all other concerns. If you see a question on the exam where you're being asked what action you should perform first, and one of the choices involves employee safety, it's extremely likely that is the correct answer. Pay careful attention to the wording of any question that involves safety. You should have adequate systems in place to monitor the safety of employees, particularly if they're working in isolated areas such as the overnight staff in a data center. It's always preferable to have…
