From the course: ISO 27001:2013-Compliant Cybersecurity: Getting Started

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Monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation (Clause 9.1)

Monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation (Clause 9.1)

From the course: ISO 27001:2013-Compliant Cybersecurity: Getting Started

Monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation (Clause 9.1)

- [Instructor] Now that your Information Security Management System or ISMS is up and running, ISO 27,001 requires your organization to evaluate its performance. In this video, you'll learn about clause 9.1, called monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation which is how you'll begin evaluating the performance of your ISMS. In clause 9.1, your organization must define, what needs to be monitored and measured relating to your ISMS, including information security processes and controls, what methods your organization will use to monitor, measure, analyze, and evaluate, to ensure valid results, when the monitoring and measuring will be performed, who does the monitoring and measuring, when the results from monitoring and measuring are analyzed and evaluated and who does the analysis and evaluation of the results. Clause 9.1 includes a mandatory document or record that shows evidence of results from the monitoring and…
