From the course: ISO 27001:2022-Compliant Cybersecurity: The Annex A Controls

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During employment (Controls 6.3–6.6)

During employment (Controls 6.3–6.6)

- [Instructor] If employees and contractors don't know their information security responsibilities while on the job, they can cause serious damage to your organization. ISO 27001 includes four controls designed to ensure that personnel know exactly what they're allowed to do and not allowed to do when it comes to information security. The first control is 6.3, Information Security Awareness, Education, and Training. Here, ISO 27001 requires your organization to provide the appropriate security awareness and training for all employees and contractors relevant to their positions. The purpose of this control is to ensure that personnel are aware of their information security responsibilities and to protect your organization's information from the risks of untrained employees and contractors. Implementation guidance in ISO 27002 recommends developing a security awareness and training program which teaches employees and…
