From the course: Kubernetes: Package Management with Helm

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Explore the Helm chart directories and files

Explore the Helm chart directories and files

From the course: Kubernetes: Package Management with Helm

Explore the Helm chart directories and files

- [Instructor} We've created a new helm chart template, and we want to dig into the directories and files generated by helm. So let's open the first chart directory with our text editor. First, let's take a look at chart.yaml. There are a handful of pre-populated key value pairs like apiVersion, name, and description, a place to specify if the chart is a library chart, or application chart, as well as a place to put the chart and application versions. The chart.yaml file contains high level information about your chart that can be passed into the helm templating engine. The other file at the root of our helm chart directory is the values.yaml file. Here, we see lots of key value pairs that allow us to configure the container or containers running in a pod. Some of these fields include the image repository so that the pod can pull the correct image for the container, a place to set up a service account, and a service…
