From the course: Learning Relational Databases

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Interview the client

Interview the client

- [Instructor] So far you've laid out the mission goals, taken a look at the current system of record-keeping, and identified the key actors in the tasks that need to be performed. At this point, you're ready to dig into the detailed nuance of how the system you're about to build needs to function. For this, you're going to have to become an expert in all of the various facets of the real world system that you're trying to model. What we're after is a complete understanding of the data items that need to find a home in your new database. To do that, we're going to get help from specific members of the actor's groups that you identified in the last movie and conduct interviews. The specific people that you're looking to get in touch with are the ones with the most knowledge of both how their current system operates and how the system should operate in an ideal world. In some businesses, you'll have identified subject matter experts that are the go-to person internally for questions on…
