From the course: Personal Branding on Social Media

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Capitalize on platform opportunities

Capitalize on platform opportunities

From the course: Personal Branding on Social Media

Capitalize on platform opportunities

- [Instructor] Each social media network provides you with different showcasing opportunities. You want to have a consistent message across networks, but you also want to take advantage of the opportunities each network has to offer you so you'll stand out. Use platform opportunities to highlight your expertise and learn more about your ideal client. So here we are at Audry's LinkedIn profile. She wants to join a group of wedding planners so she can get more ideas about her ideal client. One phrase that she knows wedding planner is used is wedding professional. To find a group of wedding professionals she'll go down to More, then Groups, and she'll identify a relevant wedding professional group to join. Once she's identified the group she'll hit the group's name, and request to join the group. Audry can also join groups of wedding professionals on Facebook. She types in the word wedding professionals, clicks wedding professionals, goes to Groups, finds a relevant group and then she'll…
