From the course: Personal Branding on Social Media

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Using your personal profile to showcase your brand

Using your personal profile to showcase your brand

From the course: Personal Branding on Social Media

Using your personal profile to showcase your brand

- [Instructor] Your personal profile is where you connect with friends and family. You should not make it all about your business. However, there will be times when you meet your ideal client in a personal rather than professional context. You want to let them know who you are, what you're about, and what you're offering as a business owner without overdoing it. The first step is to identify which products or services will be good to promote for your personal brand and showcase them in your profile. So here we are at Audry's personal Facebook profile. Audry wants to promote her offerings of custom cakes, cake pops, and cupcakes so she'll incorporate those into her personal profile. Audry decided to upload the same cover photo that she's using for the Topsy Turvy Cake Design page on her personal Facebook profile. However, she may want to use a more personal photo. We see here that she has a picture of her and her daughter. In this picture, her and her daughter are decorating cupcakes…
