From the course: Quantum Computing Fundamentals

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Solution: Real quantum teleportation

Solution: Real quantum teleportation

From the course: Quantum Computing Fundamentals

Solution: Real quantum teleportation

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] To solve the challenge of teleporting a qubit, I started by copying the example teleportation code from an earlier video. Since the end goal is to run this algorithm on real quantum hardware, I picked the variation that defers measurement until the end. Now, the circuit I copied from that earlier video teleports the state of qubit zero to qubit two, but this challenge asked us to go in the opposite direction, teleporting the state of qubit two to qubit zero after initializing qubit two with a Hadamard gate. The simplest way to modify this circuit to meet that goal will be to swap around the indices of these various operations, to flip around the source and destination of the teleportation. Let's start with that approach on line five by changing the initialization gate from Pauli X to a Hadamard gate and then changing the index from zero to two. I'll continue that process on the next…
