From the course: Strategic Leadership: Deploying Intelligent Disobedience

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A higher form of ethics

A higher form of ethics

(latin-inspired music) - People often ask me about the ethics of intelligent disobedience and it's a legitimate question. After all, we're talking about bending the rules, breaking the rules or maybe doing something counter to what our manager has asked us to do. But we have to keep in mind what the intent is when we think about intelligent disobedience. We're looking to create better outcomes or avoid negative outcomes. Let's consider Volkswagen for a second. If someone in that company had said, this software we're considering for our diesel vehicle, maybe we ought to rethink our approach. Something different certainly would've happened. Now, Wells Fargo is another example. If someone in Wells Fargo had said, you know these accounts that we're creating, maybe we just ought to stop. Certainly they would've had a different outcome and the stories in the news would've been a lot different than what we've been hearing. Now in all likelihood, your brushes with ethics and intelligent…
