From the course: UX Foundations: Accessibility

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Overview of hardware assistive technology

Overview of hardware assistive technology

From the course: UX Foundations: Accessibility

Overview of hardware assistive technology

- The assistive technology we've looked at so far has all been software based. Many people need assistive technology that is hardware based. There isn't a lot that you need to do as a designer to take that into account. All the hardware that you'll see either emulates keyboard or mouse input. These hardware devices open a whole new world for people. For some, it's as simple as finding a keyboard that's designed for single-handed use. For others, it's more complex and involves switches and switch software. This is a video from a young man named Christopher Hills. He's in a wheelchair and controls his iPad using switch devices mounted on his headrest combined with iOS gestures. The accessibility settings available are impressive allowing him to control and play games that he just wouldn't be able to otherwise. As a start, go and research the different types of keyboards and mice that are available for people with disabilities. Put yourself in their shoes. Ask yourself, why would someone…
