From the course: Writing a Tech Resume

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- A color pallette is the spectrum of colors you select for an interface. And having an established color pallette helps you maintain consistency and professionalism on your resume. You don't need to add color to your resume. Black text works perfectly fine. But if you do want to add color to your resume, understanding the best types of color pallettes will positively impact your chances of landing a job interview. In the tech industry, it's becoming more common to see a wider range of color pallettes. And knowing how to choose the right color pallette can help your resume stand out from the crowd. It can also draw the recruiter's attention to the most important information. The first step to choosing a great color pallette is to choose one of the four main types of pallettes. The first type of color pallette is monochromatic, where different shades and depths of one color or hue are selected. This color pallette is…
