From the course: 360 Video Production and Post
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Importing and creating proxies for 360 clips
From the course: 360 Video Production and Post
Importing and creating proxies for 360 clips
- Final Cut Pro X allows us to create proxy or approximation files, right on import. This can be extremely beneficial in a 360 work flow where we have massive files and lots of footage to edit. By taking advantage of Final Cut Pro X's proxy work flow we can connect to our proxies as we edit our footage down and then reconnect to our originals when the process is done. Let's see how this works. So I've launched Final Cut and I actually have no libraries opened right now. If there's and existing untitled library you can just right-click it and press 'close'. We're just going to create a library from scratch that can hold our 360 material in and then create some proxies of that. So I'm going to go to the 'file' menu choose 'new' and get a library up here. I'll call this, "360 In FCPX" and I'm going to save this to the desktop and to a new folder, that I will call "FCPX" and create that right there on the desktop. Great, so now that we have a library we get an 'events' and all of our…
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Importing and creating proxies for 360 clips4m 28s
Viewing and modifying 360 metadata in the viewer3m 16s
Setting up and configuring an HMD4m 22s
Adding, viewing, and editing 360 and VR proxy clips4m 28s
Working in a 360 project4m 30s
Editing 360 clips in the timeline5m