From the course: 360 Video Production and Post

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What is 360 (and the difference between VR, AR, and 360)?

What is 360 (and the difference between VR, AR, and 360)?

From the course: 360 Video Production and Post

What is 360 (and the difference between VR, AR, and 360)?

- [Instructor] So in order to differentiate between the three, let's start with the definition of 360 degree video, commonly referred to as 360 degree VR. 360 degree, which is also known as spherical or immersive video, is where a view with every direction is recorded at the same time, and most of this is shot using multiple cameras that are then later stitched together or assembled in post. So here on the right hand side you have the classic Earth image that's flat. That's known as a equirectangular image. And if you pay attention to the sides, you'll see that essentially the right side and left side are meant to be placed together or have one encompassing image. So we take that flat Earth image, that equirectangular image, and we wrap it around a sphere. And I want you to picture right now that the viewer themselves happens to be in this sphere and they're able to look all around, which is how the 360 video format works. Now you can see that same thing is portrayed in the image just…
