Announcing the Nonprofit Data Warehouse Quickstart

Announcing the Nonprofit Data Warehouse Quickstart

The power of data aggregation and analytics to drive social impact

This morning, Microsoft Tech for Social Impact announced expanded support for critical care and first response organizations to leverage the cloud for remote work and agility in an uncertain time. In light of the COVID-19 global pandemic, leveraging data to make strategic decisions will be more important than ever to help organizations ensure they’re operating efficiently and effectively on the ground to support communities. 

The cloud has changed how we think about computing and provides organizations with the opportunity to leverage storage at a low cost, infinite compute resources, and the ability to integrate all data sources for reporting. 

With that in mind, Microsoft Tech for Social Impact is proud to introduce the Nonprofit Data Warehouse Quickstart – a script-to-deploy data warehouse solution. It integrates sample datasets such as The World Health Organization (WHO) Water and Sanitation data repository, data that is aligned to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) data standard, and the Common Data Model for Nonprofits. Additionally, Nonprofit Data Warehouse Quickstart includes Power-BI generated analytics templates for both of these commonly-used data sources. Microsoft is committed to meeting nonprofits where they are at in their data journey, and with Quickstart, organizations can instantly deploy Quickstart to Azure through GitHub, enabling them to test the data warehouse and analytics solution without any heavy lifting. 

Examples of Power BI templates:

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The Nonprofit Data Warehouse Quickstart is built with Azure Data Lake at its core (a technical requirement for integrating the Common Data Model for Nonprofits schema), Azure Data Share for sharing data securely, and benefits from user-controlled scaling to manage and predict costs.  

The Nonprofit Data Warehouse Quickstart leverages sample data, however, the real power of the architecture will be captured when organizations can integrate their own data for further testing or transition to a production-level data warehouse environment. 

The Nonprofit Data Warehouse Quickstart goes beyond storage because it is built on the Common Data Model for Nonprofits. Designed and launched by nonprofit cross-sector leaders, the CDM interrelates nonprofit program design and delivery, fundraising, volunteer, constituent management, grant and award management, finance and operations data. Migrating to solutions built on the Nonprofit CDM allows nonprofit organizations a framework to associate data across disparate systems, achieves unified data interoperability, and ultimately, lowers the total cost of data ownership.

To learn more about the Nonprofit Data Warehouse Quickstart, please watch this demo. To aid organizations in integrating their own data we’ve built a Technical Overview document as well as two Deployment Guides – one for general Quickstart and one for Quickstart with CDM. Additionally, we’ve aligned several partners with expertise in data to support deployment for organizations at a lower cost.

An example of an organization piloting this effort is Partners in Health. Partners in Health is a social justice focused, global health organization that provides healthcare to people in need around the world. They deployed the Nonprofit Data Warehouse Quickstart as part of a mission to build a consolidated global data repository to meet expanding organization-wide data needs.

“With very poor Internet access and often oversaturated connections, the ability to incrementally load this data will be a game changer for us in terms of being able to keep the data lake as current as possible” shared Greg Berry, Associate Director of Information Technology at Partners in Health, about the experience.

“Since PIH operates in areas with low bandwidth and unstable power supply, the incremental load would allow us to efficiently transfer data and ultimately build a truly integrated global data warehouse.” Added Bella Chih-Ning, Senior Information Systems and Analytics Manager at Partners in Health.

To learn more about the Nonprofit Data Warehouse Quickstart, please visit GitHub. Sign up to see a demo here.

For more information on nonprofit offers from Microsoft, go to

Quentin Fisher

Founder Aidan Health | Introducing AIDAN - Actionable Intelligence Software for Healthcare


Great to see these tools reduce the barrier of entry for nonprofits and achieve better results. Just because your a nonprofit, doesn't mean you can't be using the latest technology!

Hemanth Kumar

Helping Customers Achieve Business Goals through Innovation leveraging AI, Data and The Cloud


It will be a great and quick start for companies who are trying to drive social change and also create an Impact in the current pandemic. Ability to take decisions on Data will greatly improve the way they function.

Nga Duong

Public Diplomacy | Peace & Development Education | Sustainability | Viet Nam insights


FABULOUS! This is big help for nonprofits and small scale orgs. Thank you #Microsoft #tech4good #tech4socialimpact

Mark West

Head of Architecture and Insights


Thanks to Erik and the rest of the TSI team, this is a fantastic kick starter and great timing for us at Lifeline Australia as we embark on our Azure journey! Keep up the good work!


Great news Erik! We’re looking forward to helping many nonprofit organisations achieve more with their data here in Australia.


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