• Michele Ross, Job Search Coach

    Providing services: Resume Writing, Resume Review, Negotiation, Career Development Coaching, Interview Preparation, Executive Coaching, Digital Marketing, Brand Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Corporate Training

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Summary: 10+ years of experience in the development and delivery of job search strategies, career development, recruiting, sourcing, immigration and HR tools and resources. Delivered 40+ presentations to 1,000+ professionals on a wide variety of career, job search and recruitment topics. Managed teams of 8+ with budgets of $3M+. SPECIALITIES: • Job Search Strategy & Career Advice • Career and Job Search Coaching • Resume Development • Personal Branding • Interview Preparation • Salary Negotiation • Career Assessment & Planning • Technical Writer - Training Materials • Talent Acquisition & Retention Strategies • Candidate Experience • Recruiting and Sourcing  • Team Training & Corporate Development with Shared Services Teams • Executive Leadership Coaching


    Providing services: Management Consulting, Corporate Training, Data Reporting, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Content Marketing, IT Consulting, Business Analytics


    Summary: 【關於先行智庫】 先行智庫是一家專注在人才升級、數位轉型、企業傳承的資訊科技管理顧問公司,提供客戶教育培訓、 顧問諮詢、數位服務、智能工具四大專業服務,針對不同產業客戶的人才與商業管理議題,透過模組化與客製化服務,提供企業線上+線下一條龍的整體解決方案。 於2017年獲選商業周刊「全台最夯讀書會」,並與台北市政府發起「閱讀.taipei計畫」建立起媒合產、官、學及民間資源的閱讀平台,推動台北閱讀新風氣。 成立6年多來,舉辦超過750場以上的讀書會與公開班,超過600家企業培訓及產官學顧問輔導經驗,國際策略合作夥伴共30家以上涵蓋台灣、日本、英國、法國與美國,超過30位跨領域專業師資包含EMBA教授、創業家、企業高階經理人與專業講師,過去五年整體營收年複合成長率高達47%。 2020年上半年創辦「HR人資商學院」,定期分享HR最新趨勢、產業洞察、工作轉介等服務。2020年下半年更成立「轉型煉金所」,提供各種數位轉型的人才培訓與顧問服務。同時也參與104職涯學院TOP專班,協助學生與產業提前接軌,強化職場即戰力。 同時也是知名動畫領導品牌「Vyond」全球十大金級代理商,提供企業自製影音軟體、數位內容開發、影片外包代製與教育訓練。目前也是Microsoft 與Google的專業數據分析服務廠商,透過數據分析與流程自動化工具協助企業降低成本提升效率。 2022年開始積極擴大數位轉型相關的合作夥伴生態圈,將服務範圍延伸到數位工具與雲端軟體的導入,提供客戶一條龍的整合顧問服務,我們期許成為科技管理顧問業的領導品牌,在這裡,你可以同時接觸到「教育培訓」、「管理顧問」與「資訊軟體」三種業務範疇,也是未來成長最快的新興產業。 目前我們正在快速發展中,積極尋找認同我們核心價值觀與對數位轉型與人才升級有興趣的夥伴加入我們!在這裡你有很大的機會學習到新技能,認識更多不同領域與國家的人。 我們希望透過這個工作舞台「知識先行、先行智庫」,讓充滿熱情的你,帶著完整的你進來,成就你渴望的自己。 【公司官網作內容】https://www.kscthinktank.com.tw 【先行智庫知識專欄】https://www.kscthinktank.com.tw/blog/ 【活動通公開活動】https://pse.is/4qhuwp 【先行學院線上課程】https://course.kscthinktank.com.tw/ 【品牌IG】 https://www.instagram.com/kscthinktank/ 【Podcast影音頻道】https://solink.soundon.fm/kscthinktank 【Youtube 官方頻道】 https://youtube.com/@kscthinktank 【先行智庫創辦人LinkedIn】 https://www.linkedin.com/in/supingsue/ 【企業文化與八大核心價值觀】 #1擁抱改變:我們每三個月就會有大改變 #2願意試錯:我們勇敢嘗試、不怕失敗、快速修正 #3團隊合作:懂得換位思考,跳脫對立思維,幫助團隊達成目標 #4數據驅動:透過客觀事實解決問題,不是憑感覺做決策 #5持續精進:工作要求做好而不只是做到 #6喜愛學習:透過學習讓我們在面對未知時不會抗拒 #7主動積極:懂得舉一反三,為未來做好準備 #8客戶成功:協助客戶獲得成功,實現獲利 我們希望透過這八大核心價值,打造讓公司與工作夥伴都持續進步與改善的企業文化,每年我們都會根據先行智庫商業模式的調整,做定期的文化價值觀校準與工作內容的調整,而這些工作價值觀也會完全落實到公司招募、人才培育與績效考核上。此外,公司追求以人為本的有機業務成長,讓同仁除了可以追求工作的挑戰,也能透過與不同國家的策略夥伴合作更國際化,也能同時兼顧工作與生活的平衡發展。 更重要的是同事、直屬主管與創辦人之間的工作氣氛融洽,團隊也樂於分享。我們希望打造一家創新、平等且多元的公司文化,如果你喜歡工作常常有變化與團隊合作,這裡會是一個適合你長期發展的舞台。我相信,如果一份工作有好的同事與支持你的主管,精彩就會發生。 【企業社會責任】 先行智庫是一家社會企業,透過聯合策展與數位培力訓練,協助台灣社會企業、NGO慈善公益組織與學校強化數位能力,同時也是喜憨兒基金會與財團法人羅慧夫顱顏基金會企業贊助合作夥伴。 歡迎有興趣加入先行智庫的朋友可以直接投遞履歷表給我,你也可以透過以下官網資料了解更多 https://www.kscthinktank.com.tw #個人經歷摘要 -資策會/工研院數位轉型講師 -台灣大學創新創業中心TEC業師 -淡江大學資深特聘僱問 -經理人雜誌-經理人商學院業務講師 -經濟部中小企業總處講師 -科技部FITI創新創業激勵計畫簡報與商業開發業師 -外貿協會國際行銷特聘顧問 -外貿協會LinkedIn、業務開發、數位轉型講師 #專業訓練領域 1. 數位轉型 2. 設計思考與敏捷創新管理 3. 商業數據分析 #IT 專業領域 • Cloud and Mobile Solution - Server and Storage Virtualization Platform - Cloud Management Platform - VDI - Azure Public Cloud - Hybrid Cloud Integration Solution • Mobile SaaS • Storage & DR Solution • System Solution include x86/Unix/AS400 Platform • Software Solution include Development Middleware/System Management/ Automation /Mail /Enterprise Portal /Security /Backup

  • Tamara Maqabangqa

    Providing services: Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Advertising, Blogging, Customer Service, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Market Research, Lead Generation

    City of Johannesburg

    Summary: As the Director of Consulting Services at Alaking Creatives, I'm responsible for overseeing the delivery of consulting services across various practices within the firm. I ensure that projects align with client needs and are delivered efficiently and effectively, often managing a portfolio of client engagements and leading business development efforts. If you require more information, you can visit the website: https://www.alakingcreatives.co.za

  • Peter Harvey

    Providing services: Marketing Consulting, Digital Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Public Relations, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Brand Marketing, Content Strategy

    Boston, MA

    Summary: Peter E. Harvey, A Hands-on Executive, Challenging Organizations to Become Industry Leaders at the Edges of Marketing & Technology Prior to creating Intellidyn, Peter Harvey spent +20 years as an executive in, Business start-ups, M&A, Fortune 50 strategy development/execution, Marketing, Engineering, Risk management, Technology and Operations Management Across the below companies. Peter has directed market research, segmentation management and channel management operations, and designed and implemented thousands of digital and off-line integrated marketing programs. Utilizing hands-on On-line and Off-line marketing experience, Peter launched Intellidyn to provide marketers with access to the nations’ largest integrated repositories of static and behavioral data, coupled with the most advanced strategy development, analytic tools, and the agility to quickly adapt to dynamic market changes. Peter received the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® Award and the Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Businesses. Under his direction, Intellidyn won numerous business and technology awards. In 2007 Peter executed a merger with a Fortune 500 Marketing Company. From 2007 – ‘11, Peter managed to pull Intellidyn through one of the economy’s worst financial crisis, driven by the mortgage / housing industry melt down. His expertise is in Big Data, advanced analytics, creating actionable intelligence for execution, then implementing new strategies, staying at the leading edge of Digital Marketing. More importantly, he's demonstrated a track record of transforming this data into income producing assets. CEO - Intelli-Global, Hingham, MA CEO - Intellidyn, Melville, NY President - ADVAL Corp., Detroit MI Senior Vice President - Bank One, Columbus, OH Senior Vice President - GE Capital, Stamford, CT

  • W. Joseph Blackstock

    Providing services: Advertising, Management Consulting, Computer Networking, Digital Marketing, Lead Generation, Marketing Consulting, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Application Development, Cloud Management, Web Development


    Summary: Blackstock Group Of Companies Inc. has 3 Primary business activities. 1. Blackstock Payment Processing assists Merchants with facilitating Payment gateways and Virtual terminals 2. Blackstock Marketing and Sales assists Business' growth through telecom and digital marketing services 3. Blackstock Business Solutions Managed Services Provider assists Call centers in sourcing the campaigns, data dialer VOIP they need to succeed

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  • Donald McKenzie Jr.

    Providing services: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Digital Marketing

    Greenwich, CT

  • Samina A

    Providing services: Strategic Planning, Marketing Strategy, Content Strategy, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Brand Consulting, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Web Development, Web Design, Advertising


    Summary: Onboarded 200+ brands towards the path of success. Welcome to the digital playground of The Boldest Creations!! We're not just another digital marketing agency; we're the cool kids on the digital block, and we don't do boring. Picture us as your online wingmen, but with a knack for making your brand shine brighter than a disco ball at a unicorn rave. Why choose us? Well, we've got more digital tricks up our sleeves than a magician with a cyber wand. From SEO sorcery to social media mastery, we're here to turn your online presence from "meh" to "OMG!" Our Avengerous team Our team is like the Avengers of the internet, minus the capes (unless it's Casual Friday). We've got the brains, the creativity, and the occasional questionable dance move to keep your brand ahead of the curve. Don't worry; our dance moves are strictly optional for your marketing strategy. At The Boldest Creations, we believe in two things: delivering results that make you go "WOW" and having a good laugh along the way. Because let's face it, if you're not enjoying the digital ride, are you really doing it right? So, buckle up, partner! Your digital adventure starts here. If you're ready to laugh, learn, and level up your brand, you're in the right place. Let's make your competitors jealous and your customers obsessed. Welcome to the wild world of The Boldest Creations, where the pixels are our playground, and success is our middle name (figuratively, of course).

  • James Catanich

    Providing services: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Digital Marketing, Marketing Consulting

    Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex

    Summary: From helping world renowned brands like Texas Instruments, NorthernTel, JCPenney, and FedEx to SMB like DentalWorks, Digestive Healthcare and The Velvet Snout, James has worked in competitive SEO industries, Web Design, Site Migrations and Digital Optimization. James has not only developed a deep SEO know-how, but also has diverse technical experience that he uses to help his clients succeed in challenging scenarios. Specialties: focused on internet marketing optimization: SEO, Analytics, conversion rate optimization, and website architecture, migration, & performance. James lives in Wylie, Texas with his wife, and three dogs. He loves traveling, cooking, photography, and the author of four novels. For speaking opportunities, collaborations, events, and business development, please email James Catanich (jim.catanich@gmail.com).

  • Theodore Moudakis

    Providing services: Digital Marketing, Brand Consulting, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Development, Web Design, Social Media Marketing, Advertising, Brand Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

    Greater Melbourne Area

  • Naota Nandaba

    Providing services: Digital Marketing, Brand Marketing, Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    United States

    Summary: An experienced digital lead with 7 dedicated years in Digital Marketing and SEO. I have worked as an independent online marketing consultant, worked in-house and led progressive agencies which has given me the best possible insight into the search industry. On YouTube my channel https://www.youtube.com/FRU777Y gets 617 subs/month and 481K views/month($120 - $1.9K per month) - http://socialblade.com/youtube/user/Fru777y via @SocialBlade • Social Networking : Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus, Tumblr • Google Analytics and Web Master Tool (Google Search Console) • Consulted directly with high profile clients. • On-page Knowledge : Title tag, Meta Description, Keyword Research, Image Optimization, Content Optimization, Sitemap submission, Digital Marketer, SEO, SMO, SEM, SMM. • Developed a system for clients to utilize Sponsorship/Pay-Per-Click advertisements for Yahoo! Search • Successfully managed Google AdWords campaigns. Reduced bounce rate from 37% to 3%, lowered CPC by as much as 40% and increased CTR. • Optimize landing pages, squeeze pages, banners, copy and all web-based elements to improve conversions, page consumption and engagement. • Managed 60 Site Link Visibility accounts by successfully obtaining a variety of inbound links. • Developed, delivered and analyzed search engine optimization reports and link building reports. • Content Analysis : Reviewing the content, special focus on checking for keyword density, duplicate content checking. No Commentary Gameplay Nintendo Switch NX Emulator Wii 3DS XL DS Apple iPhone Games iPad iOS Google Android Play Steam Coop Playthrough 100% Solo Campaign Walkthrough 4K 60FPS Multiplayer Let's Play Story Review 1080p HD Microsoft Xbox One X Enhanced Xbox 360 Achievement Sony Playstation PS4 Pro Trophy #PS4share PS3 Vita TV PSP Portable Console Windows PC Gaming https://www.youtube.com/FRU777Y