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Corporate Social Responsibility
Three images in a rural America setting with the text “Opportunity is here”

Building on a legacy of rural innovation

At Microsoft, we believe in the people of rural America and that technology can enable these communities to take us into the future.

Our commitment and partnership in rural America

In partnership with local communities, Microsoft invests to give people the resources and opportunities they need to thrive where they're planted.

Supporting what matters

Working with local partners, Microsoft offers technology, programs and resources to help ensure those who call rural America home have what they need to build a healthy, secure, and bright future for themselves and their families.

Healthcare security

Driving innovation in healthcare

Providing healthcare, particularly specialized medicine, or surgical procedures, can be challenging in remote locations. In recent years, telemedicine has emerged as a potential solution. Learn about a new real-time 360-degree 3D telemedicine system.

Read the research
Man with biontic legs sitting down

Providing rural hospitals with secure technology

Rural hospitals provide critical services to the communities they serve but cyberattacks have become a growing threat that can severely impact patient care and compromise private data. We are committed to helping rural hospitals keep their health services safe and secure.

Learn about our new program

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A car in front of an emergency room

Using data and AI to save lives

Data and AI can help solve the world’s biggest heath issues, one life at a time. The Health Equity Dashboard allows users to compare county-level health data quickly and easily across a variety of measures, including health status, health services utilization and quality, and social determinants of health.

Explore the dashboard
Person with a syringe in a lab

Education and job training

Building skills for jobs

Providing skills training is complex work. Focused on where we believe we can have the greatest impact, we share content, curriculum, training materials, and insights to help people gain skills for the AI economy.

Explore learning pathways

Access Digital Skills Hub
Women at a desk looking at a laptop using technology

Supporting inclusive CS Education

Our Technology Education and Learning Support (TEALS) program connects teachers with tech-industry volunteers in communities across the US to create valuable computer science programs.

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Watch the TEALS video
Old style city with a train in view

Helping local community colleges

Jobs in cybersecurity are high-wage, high-growth and in demand – across every sector. But we’re currently not training or certifying enough people to meet the growing demand. Microsoft has partnered with community colleges across the country to get people the skills they need.

Learn more

Explore CodePath program
Young adults working on laptops in a cybersecurity atmosphere

Digital connectivity

Providing people with digital access

Millions of Americans lack broadband access, especially in rural communities. Our Airband Initiative is extending affordable broadband access to more communities around the US.

Learn more about Airband

View access in your community
Mother and child working on a laptop in a rural home setting.

Supporting journalists and newsrooms

Healthy democracies require independent journalism and a strong information ecosystem. Our work helps to strengthen local newsrooms and provide security for journalists. Our local pilot programs are helping create new, sustainable business models for journalism.

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Learn more about protecting journalism
Journalist with a microphone

Access in your community

Access to affordable internet, affordable devices and digital skills – is a foundation for economic opportunity. Our Digital Equity Data Dashboard gives a street-by-street view of the US.

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Blue outline of United States
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Sparking tech ecosystems

Microsoft TechSpark fosters job creation and innovation in communities across the US. By partnering to understand the unique challenges of a local area we can explore the solutions, programs and partnerships that will be most effective.
TitleTown building view

Addressing local priorities

Stories about issues impacting rural America

Partnering for impact

The members of a community best understand their own needs. Microsoft works closely with local business, nonprofit, and government partners to help expand opportunity and accelerate progress. Some of our partners include:

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