Copilot in Outlook | G8: Support efficient dismissal

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Copilot in Outlook supports efficient dismissal (Guideline 8) by providing users an optional “Draft with Copilot” suggestion when creating a new message. As users start manually typing the message, the “Draft with Copilot” button disappears.

The techniques used in this example have the potential to foster appropriate reliance on AI, by reducing overreliance. Keep in mind that overreliance mitigations can backfire. Be sure to test such mitigations in context, with your AI system’s actual users. Learn more about overreliance on AI and appropriate reliance on generative AI.

Two screenshots of Copilot in Outlook. In the first screenshot Draft with Copilot suggestion is displayed when the user first open a new message. In the second screenshot, the user types hello and the Draft with Copilot suggestion is not shown to user.
Images captured April 2024