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EO Strategies for Securing Critical Software & Classifying Agency Data 

So far in our ongoing series on the Biden Administration’s Cybersecurity Executive Order (EO) to bolster the U.S. Government’s resilience against cyberattacks we’ve taken a look at what’s next for federal agencies and then mapped out major milestones. Two of those milestones are on August 10, 2021, focused on critical software and classifying agency data


Helping state and local government agencies address cyber security 

Cyber-attacks against state and local governments are increasing and accelerating – even before COVID, two-thirds of attacks targeted state and local organizations. From January to May of 2020, there was a 350% increase in phishing attempts, with attackers taking advantage of the fear and uncertainty driven by COVID. With a nationwide workforce moving to remote


Mapping the Cybersecurity Executive Order Milestones 

The recent Cybersecurity Executive Order lists July 11 as the first major deadline for all Federal civilian agencies to provide updated plans for adopting cloud technology and implementing a Zero Trust Architecture. To help agencies meet this immediate need and to accelerate their long-term journey towards secure cloud and Zero Trust, Microsoft has recently published our Zero Trust rapid modernization plan and Zero Trust Scenario Architectures. Based on insights from our own journey towards Zero Trust and decades of experience helping federal agencies, these resources present concrete next steps to help agencies meet aggressive EO timelines and improve their baseline cybersecurity posture so, together, we can answer the nation’s call to increased cyber resilience.


The Cybersecurity Executive Order: What’s Next for Federal Agencies? 

U.S. economic growth and prosperity hinges on our country’s ability to secure our most critical assets and invest with confidence in innovative technology that the American people can rely on. The Biden Administration’s Cybersecurity Executive Order (EO) emphasizes cybersecurity as a national priority, and represents a bold step in outlining concrete actions to strengthen security and address ever-evolving and increasingly sophisticated threats across federal agencies and the entire digital ecosystem.


Next-generation cloud innovations further enhance national security 

Microsoft is committed to ensuring our men and women in uniform and in the intelligence community have access to the best available technology today. During our the recent three-day Virtual National Security Symposium, Microsoft Federal and our partners showcased many of the new and emerging technologies we have developed to help the U.S. Department of


How fund companies can stay in compliance with SEC Rule 18f-4 

What does it take for fund companies to stay in compliance within a shifting risk management landscape? Risk management has entered uncharted territory. Amid global disruptions caused by COVID-19, it’s essential for financial services institutions to review model strategies. Challenges include managing business continuity, recovering from the impact on their customer base, and reimagining new


Addressing Audit Log Storage for U.S. Federal Government Customers 

At Microsoft, we offer a rich set of robust security and compliance capabilities in Office 365 and Microsoft 365. One of these is the ability to better understand account activity – like documents accessed, and mailboxes accessed – through audit logs to assess if, how, when, and to what extent a security incident has occurred. To be clear, audit logs don’t prevent attacks, but can be useful in retroactively examining how they occurred when an attacker is impersonating a user.


Commitment to compliance in pharma and life sciences 

Over a year has gone by since the beginning of the global pandemic, and it’s clear that the pharmaceutical industry and COVID-19 vaccines are at the center of everyone’s attention. Calls for quick and rigorous development of a COVID-19 vaccine have given way to the equally important demand for rapid distribution. Because of this unprecedented


Cloud innovation to support government’s mission 

Our work with the United States government is built on a foundation of enduring partnership. We work closely with our federal partners, learning and understanding how they work and their specific needs, then adapting our technology to achieve their mission objectives. As a result, we have intentionally designed, evolved, and grown our government cloud solutions


FHIR Interoperability: The Next Step to True Health Data Liquidity 

Achieving data liquidity in the healthcare industry has been a goal for more than 50 years, or since the first digitization of health information. This concept means that restricted health data is accessible to any authorized user on demand once it’s been entered into any system of record.  So why are will still discussing the promise of data liquidity in the context of interoperability today? And further, why are we


Federal government to rely on cloud-based technology at higher security levels 

Microsoft has been the trusted partner enabling digital transformation through low–code solutions for the U.S. federal government for many years. Until now, the Department of Defense (DoD) workloads requiring IL4 compliance have been limited to on-premises solutions requiring the DoD to own the ongoing management and maintenance of the required infrastructure. In the coming months, the DoD will take transformation a step further and