Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) Members

FCM News


A futures commission merchant (FCM) is an entity that solicits or accepts orders to buy or sell futures contracts, options on futures, retail off-exchange forex contracts or swaps, and accepts money or other assets from customers to support such orders.

To register as an FCM, visit the FCM registration page.

*FCMs that are not primarily and substantially engaged in on-exchange futures business activities must be registered as retail foreign exchange dealers (RFED) to act as the counterparty to a retail off-exchange forex transaction.

FCM Member Notices

View Notices for FCM Members

FCM Education and Training

See Resources for FCM Members

Arbitration Services

View Services for Arbitration

Regulatory Obligations

View FCM Regulatory Obligations

Learn More about FCM Regulatory Obligations

Electronic Filing Systems

Access Electronic Filing Systems

Access FCM Electronic Filing System

Filing Requirements

View FCM Filing Requirements

Learn More about FCM Filing Requirements


View Information on FCM Examinations

More Information about FCM Examinations