As part of NSO’s commitment and alignment to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, human rights protections are embedded throughout all aspects of our work. We hold ourselves to the highest standards for ethical business, taking all reasonable steps to prevent and mitigate the risk of misuse of our products.

Key aspects of our Human Rights Policy include:

  • The integration of human rights due diligence procedures to identify, prevent and mitigate the risks of adverse human rights impact
  • A thorough evaluation throughout the company’s sales process of the potential for adverse human rights impacts arising from the misuse of NSO products, including the past human rights performance and governance standards of the country involved
  • Contractual obligations requiring NSO’s customers to limit the use of the company’s products to the prevention and investigation of serious crimes, including terrorism, and to ensure that the products will not be used to violate human rights
  • Specific attention to protect individuals or groups at elevated levels of risk of arbitrary digital surveillance and communication interception
  • Periodic review of the company’s human rights governance framework by compliance experts, coupled with a commitment to ongoing dialogue with all relevant stakeholders

More information on NSO Group’s Human Rights Policy can be found here.

Annual Transparency & Responsibility Report – Read The Report That Highlights The Safeguards Against Misuse of Our Technology, And Outlines Internal Governance and Compliance Processes