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Old announcements

December 3, 2005
Web Development

September 10, 2005
Web Development

August 14, 2004

July 18, 2004

May 16, 2004
Web Development

April 22, 2004
Search (new section, some bookmarklets moved from SEO section)

Updated versions of shell and remove redirects.

October 30, 2003
Flash (new section)

August 25, 2003

New bookmarklets:

Zap Search Engine Optimization Validation

I also fixed next option to work with Mailman, and fixed go to referrer so it doesn't reload the page when there is no referer.

July 29, 2003

New bookmarklets:

Zap Testing Browsers

July 8, 2003

New section: Color Bookmarklets

June 22, 2003

New bookmarklets:

Page Links Forms Web development Validation Bugzilla

June 1, 2003

You can now add most of my bookmarklets at once if you use Internet Explorer or Mozilla.

May 28, 2003

New bookmarklet:

Web Development

I also made some improvements to test styles. It used to only work in Mozilla, but now it works in Mozilla, Opera 7, and maybe IE 5.5 (but not IE 6.0). It now works correctly on XHTML pages in Mozilla. I also moved the test for window.closed inside a try..catch block, because at some point since I wrote the original test styles, Mozilla restricted window.closed to same-origin.

May 17, 2003

New bookmarklets:

Web development Zap

Improvements to existing bookmarklets:

Validation Zap

May 5, 2003

New bookmarklets:

Bugzilla Search Engine Optimization

May 4, 2003

New bookmarklets:

Validation Search Engine Optimization Zap

May 3, 2003

New bookmarklet:


April 26, 2003

New bookmarklets:

Page Links Forms Search Engine Optimization (new section)

April 21, 2003

New bookmarklets:

Validation Web Development

I made some more changes to the ancestors bookmarklet while I was working on computed styles. First, I made it go all the way to the root of the document, and in the process fixed the bug that it didn't show the id and class attributes of the BODY element. Second, I fixed two compatibility bugs. The bookmarklet now works in old versions of Mozilla (185889), thanks to Stuart Langridge, and now works with XMLDocuments in all versions of Mozilla, thanks to Jacques Distler.

April 7, 2003

New bookmarklets:

Validation Zap

April 5, 2003

Created this page (news.html) and the bookmarklets-announce list. This entry and earlier entries were not actually sent to the list because the list didn't exist.

March 29, 2003

New version of the JavaScript Shell (0.7) and the shell bookmarklet.

March 23, 2003

Added a feature to the ancestors bookmarklet: show IDs and classes along with tag names. So on mpt's blog,

BODY > DIV > DIV > DL > DD > P

now appears as

BODY > DIV#wrapper > DIV#content > DL > DD.newsItemDescription > P
March 20, 2003

This isn't really a bookmarklet, but fans of the zap plugins bookmarklet may find it useful. XBL in User Style Sheets: Hide Flash but make it available with one click on the placeholder.

March 17, 2003

Lots of new bookmarklets. My favorites are in bold.

Page Links Forms Text and data Zap Web development Validation Misc Keyword bookmarklets for scripters (new section)

Since I like ancestors a lot, I'm going to continue thinking about new uses for the status bar. Ideas? (Other bookmarklets that use the status bar: highlight for status and number of matches, allow no option for instructions, onerror status for script errors.)

© 2000-2007 Jesse Ruderman ( Feedback is welcome.
Last modified September 10, 2005.