PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium,
also known as Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium
PIER Journals
Published by The Electromagnetics Academy

PIERS —— A global symposium committed to
advancing photonics and electromagnetics for the benefit of humanity.

Mission & Vision

PIERS is sponsored by The Electromagnetics Academy (TEMA). Founded by the late Professor Jin Au Kong (1942-2008) of MIT in 1989, The Electromagnetics Academy is a non-profit organization registered in USA. TEMA is the umbrella organization for PIERS and PIER Journals. 

PIERSPhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, also known as Progress IElectromagnetics Research Symposium, provides an international forum for reporting progress and recent advances in the modern development of electromagnetics, photonics and exciting applications. PIERS has become a major symposium in the area related to electromagnetics. PIER Journals are a family of journals supported by the proceeds of PIERS meetings.

The vision of TEMA is to encourage knowledge sharing, dissemination, and discovery related to electromagnetics. In particular, it provides synergy and collaboration between mathematicians, physicists, and engineers. It promotes curiosity driven research in science, as well as technology inspired research in engineering. This knowledge helps to elevate the standards and quality of life of peoples all worldwide. In addition, TEMA will nurture and mentor junior researchers, scientists and engineers, who will shape the future technologies of the world related to electromagnetics.

The mission of TEMA is to create a forum and a collaborative environment among researchers globally. They will discuss and share research outcomes in a harmonious fashion from a global perspective. PIERS and PIER Journals will promote and stimulate science and technology growth world-wide related to Maxwell’s equations, photonics, and electromagnetics. This will range over a broad frequency spectrum, broad length scale, as well as spanning topics from classical electromagnetics to quantum optics/electromagnetics. Since this is a rather broad arena, we will give priority to new and emerging areas. The PIERS will provide knowledge sharing and dissemination platform for scientists and engineers from around the world. PIERS will be aided by the open-access journals, PIER Journals to help facilitate this mission.