‘Total impact’-driven strategy

Values in society are being reassessed, external stakeholders are gaining more influence and government policy and regulation are changing.

Both business and the public sector need to understand their impacts so that they make the best choices when considering key strategic questions, evaluating investment options and developing partnerships and alliances.

To do this they need to have a clear understanding not only of the short- and long-term financial effects but also the wider economic, fiscal, social and environmental impacts.

We help our clients assess the impacts of their policies, projects and investments; we help them demonstrate their value to key stakeholders; and we help them develop business cases to justify their spending.

Our team brings industry knowledge and economic expertise. We apply cutting-edge, bespoke techniques alongside tried and tested methodologies to quantify and monetise a holistic set of economic, social and environmental impacts.

We have specialist expertise in

Demonstrate impact

Understanding how your business impacts the economy, the environment and wider society is as important as calculating your financial return. It helps to navigate today’s operating environment. Our total impact approach provides the holistic perspective a business needs to identify opportunities, understand risk, and optimise its contribution to society.

  • What are the direct, indirect and induced impacts of our business?
  • How can we calculate our return on investment?
  • How can we integrate wider impacts into our strategy to drive evidence-based decision making?
  • How can we demonstrate our economic, social and environmental value to critical stakeholders?
  • How can we estimate the funding required to optimise value?

Business case development

We help our clients across the investment cycle from helping our clients to assess the value for money of different options, including developing robust business cases aligned to the 5 case model, to negotiating pricing and funding arrangements, and articulating the benefits of major investments and developing procedures to realise these benefits.

  • What are the potential costs and benefits of different strategic options and investments?
  • How can we articulate different costs and benefits of a strategy/investment on a like-for-like basis to your stakeholders?
  • How can we develop a compelling business case aligned to HM Treasury’s 5 case model?
  • How can we calculate the funding level required to maximise the benefits?

Case studies

Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee: Estimating the value of community pharmacy

In response to the Government’s proposals to change the basis on which it funds community pharmacy, the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) commissioned PwC to examine the social and economic contribution of community pharmacy in England in 2015.

Our analysis estimated that community pharmacies delivered £3 billion in value to the NHS, public sector, patients and wider society.

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Crisis: Estimating the costs and benefits of ending homelessness

To mark its 50th anniversary, Crisis published its plan to end homelessness which set out the steps needed to prevent most homelessness from happening in the first place and, where homelessness is experienced, to ensure that it is short term and non-recurrent.

We helped Crisis to estimate the expected costs and benefits of realising its aims through different combinations of interventions to address and prevent homelessness.

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Large media and publishing company - impact-driven strategy

We were commissioned to support a large publisher in its path to efficacy, including publishing an efficacy report alongside its annual financial report. Our team of economists worked closely with our assurance and data specialists to develop a framework to measure consistently the impact of more than 100 products on customers across the world. The team was also involved in integrating and rolling out the framework across business units and geographies.

Our work was critical to the publisher meeting its commitment to measure and report on its impact on customers beyond its standard financial reporting.

International sports organisations - Appraising the costs and benefits of sporting events

Prospective candidate cities considering whether or not to host large international sports events need to be able to weigh up the potential costs and benefits. Under scrutiny from tax payers, candidate cities need to understand whether investing taxpayers’ money in these events represents value for money.

To provide a credible response to this challenge, an international sports organisation commissioned us to develop a framework for assessing the costs and benefits of public spending on these events.

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Economic impact of drones

Technology poses huge opportunities for businesses, but also comes with great apprehension. Our thought leadership sized the opportunities drone technology could bring to the UK economy. Our analysis estimated that drones could deliver a £42bn uplift in UK GDP by 2030. Our work, as cited by the UK Aviation Minister, was used to inform the UK government policies and strategy towards drones. For further details please see our report.

We have since worked with clients across a range of sectors to understand the impact of adopting drone technology in different contexts. This includes working with an oil and gas client to conduct an assessment of the likely impacts of using drones for gas-inspection processes of unmanned assets, relative to the as-is process. In addition, we also worked with Nesta challenges, to quantify the public sector cost savings and impact on UK GDP over the next 15 years of using drones in UK urban areas.

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