Fair and trusted business

Being a fair and trusted business

Trust is key to our business. To be successful, we need our stakeholders to have confidence in what we do, and how we go about it. We’re committed to earning our reputation and promoting the highest standards in ethics and integrity, where our people take personal responsibility for their decisions and behaviour. This is underpinned by effective governance, robust mechanisms to protect data, and transparent reporting.

Being fair in how we do business is central to our values. It’s also key to our ability to access both the best talent and the best service provision. This includes how we pay our people, but also our suppliers, and the standards we set in our supply chain - including the action we take to uphold human rights in business, and supporting social enterprises.

We have a number of policies and programmes that address these areas, which are covered in the following areas. We also cover how we govern our business and manage risk in our Annual Report, and our audit practice in particular in our Transparency Report.  

Contact us

Latifa Kapadia

Latifa Kapadia

Director of Sustainability, PwC United Kingdom

Marissa Thomas

Marissa Thomas

Partner, PwC United Kingdom

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