
Thoughts, tools, and ramblings from the mind of a data nerd.

Population assignment reveals low migratory connectivity in a weakly structured songbird.

Population assignment reveals low migratory connectivity in a weakly structured songbird.

DeSaix MG,  Bulluck LP,  Eckert AJ, et al.  Population assignment reveals low migratory connectivity in a weakly structured songbird. Mol Ecol.  2019; 28: 2122–2135. Abstract Understanding migratory connectivity is essential for determining the drivers behind population dynamics and implementing effective conservation strategies
1 min read
Pollination graphs: quantifying pollen pool covariance networks and the influence of intervening landscape on genetic connectivity in the North American understory tree, Cornus florida L.

Pollination graphs: quantifying pollen pool covariance networks and the influence of intervening landscape on genetic connectivity in the North American understory tree, Cornus florida L.

Dyer, R.J., Chan, D.M., Gardiakos, V.A. et al. Pollination graphs: quantifying pollen pool covariance networks and the influence of intervening landscape on genetic connectivity in the North American understory tree, Cornus florida L.. Landscape Ecol 27, 239–251 (2012). Abstract How
1 min read