RETELA, s.r.o.

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RETELA, s.r.o.

RETELA is a not-for-profit organisation ensuring services for producers and importers of electric and electronic equipment. RETELA is operating  a country-wide compliance take-back scheme in the Czech Republic.

RETELA compliance scheme is operated by RETELA, Ltd. which was founded on 11 May 2005.

Following services are ensured by RETELA : collection, transport and treatment of used electric and electronic equipment as well as portable batteries.

The main obligations of EEE producers/importers see here

The main obligations of producers/importers of solar panels see here

– responsibility for recycling of solar panels imported/produced after 1 Junary 2013

The main obligations regarding batteries (for more details see Ecobat)

The main obligations of final sellers

  • to ensure the collection of used equipment at least “piece for piece” (that means similar type and use at the point of sale or delivery of the new product) free of charge
  • in case of stores bigger than 400 m2 to ensure the take-back of all small devices (with all dimensions smaller than 25 cm) regardless the sale of the new product
  • to inform the customers visibly about the possibilities of take-back
  • to show precisely the same recycling fee in the tax documents, which was paid to collective scheme ( if the seller himself doesn´t pay this recycling fee to collective scheme, he takes over this information from his supplier)
  • to state the price on price tags including the recycling fee