Guidance and tools for conducting an early action review (EAR): rapid performance improvement for outbreak detection and response


The Guidance for conducting an early action review (EAR) is designed to optimize early detection, timely notification, and swift response actions during public health emergencies.

An EAR serves as an agile performance enhancement methodology. It scrutinizes the efficiency of initial detection measures and subsequent responses to public health events, irrespective of their scale. Its implementation fosters adaptive changes in workflow strategies and actions.

Leveraging the 7-1-7 target for detection, notification and response, this Guidance and accompanying tools provide granular, stepwise instructions to support the implementation of an EAR at different levels of government and in various infectious disease contexts.

Countries are encouraged to incorporate the conduct of an EAR for early detection and response into their existing response frameworks and through their existing response coordination structures.

Findings from an EAR can be channelled into national policy strategies and advocacy campaigns to help recalibrate and prioritise emergency preparedness and response initiatives. Furthermore, these findings can also be incorporated into future intra-action reviews (IARs) and after action reviews (AARs).

It is important to note that the EAR toolkit presented below should be used as “live” working documents. The EAR toolkit can be adapted and customized depending on the context, needs, and priorities of the country conducting the EAR.

Article introducing the EAR methodology published in the Lancet Global Health.

Also visit the Emergency Response Reviews web page.


WHO Team
Country Simulation Exercises and Reviews (CER), Health Security Preparedness (HSP), WHO Headquarters (HQ)
World Health Organization
Number of pages
Reference numbers
WHO Reference Number: WHO/WPE/HSP/CER/2023.1