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Spam Filters

Manage the settings for the spam filters (powered by Apache SpamAssassin™) for your email accounts. Identify unsolicited bulk email, more commonly known as spam, and send it to a separate folder (Spam Box) or automatically delete it (Auto-Delete) from your email account. For more information, read the Apache SpamAssassin documentation.

Process New Emails and Mark them as Spam:

Apache SpamAssassin is enabled. This will mark suspicious email messages as spam. The server will update the header of new messages whose calculated spam score meets or exceeds the Spam Threshold Score (5).

Move New Spam to a Separate Folder (Spam Box):

Spam Box is enabled. Spam Box will direct all new email messages with a calculated spam score that meets or exceeds the Spam Threshold Score (5) to a separate folder for you to review.

Configure Spam Box Settings

Automatically Delete New Spam (Auto-Delete):

Auto-Delete is currently disabled. Enable this option to automatically delete spam messages. The Auto-Delete option permanently deletes new emails with a calculated spam score that meets or exceeds the Auto-Delete Threshold Score.

We recommend that you use Spam Box instead of Auto-Delete because Spam Box allows you to recover messages marked as SPAM from your email account’s spam folder.
Configure Auto-Delete Settings

Additional Configurations (For Advanced Users):

Most users will not need to customize these settings.

Show Additional Configurations Hide Additional Configurations
Whitelist (Emails Always Allowed)

You currently have 0 whitelisted items.

The spam filters will always allow these items.

Edit Spam Whitelist Settings
Blacklist (Emails Never Allowed)

You currently have 0 blacklisted items.

The spam filters will never allow these items.

Edit Spam Blacklist Settings
Calculated Spam Score Settings:

You currently have 0 calculated spam score customizations on this account.

Configure Calculated Spam Scores Settings