Siddharth Bhandari

Research Assistant Professor

PhD - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Bio | Home Page | Room 421

Research Interests: Coding theory, information theory, sampling algorithms, treatment effect estimation.

Anand Bhattad

Research Assistant Professor

PhD - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Bio | Home Page | Room 509

Research Interests: Computer vision, graphics, photography and machine learning, with a focus on understanding the fundamentals of scene representations and generative models. My research aims to uncover the emergent scene properties in generative models and establish them as the backbone for modern computer vision systems. I am passionate about developing data-driven methodologies for understanding, modeling, and recreating the visual world.

Avrim Blum

Professor and Chief Academic Officer


Bio | Home Page | Room 439

Research Interests: Theoretical Computer Science and Machine Learning, including Machine Learning Theory, Approximation Algorithms, Algorithmic Game Theory, and Database Privacy, as well as connections among them.

Sam Buchanan

Research Assistant Professor

PhD - Columbia University

Bio | Home Page | Room 411

Research Interests: High-dimensional data analysis, signal processing, optimization, deep learning

Julia Chuzhoy

Manuel Blum Professor

PhD - Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Bio | Home Page | Room 425

Research Interests: Theoretical computer science, with the main emphasis on the design and the analysis of approximation algorithms and proving hardness of approximation bounds for NP-hard problems, especially those with strong connections to graph theory.

Shiry Ginosar

Assistant Professor

PhD - University of California, Berkeley

Bio | Home Page

Research Interests: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer perception, including vision, audio, and other sensory modalities. Shiry focuses on artificial social intelligence, including social learning, Human-Human, and Human-AI interaction. Her research studies natural and artificial intelligence (AI) using machine learning, psychology, and neuroscience tools.

Jungo Kasai

Research Assistant Professor (on leave)

PhD - University of Washington

Bio | Home Page | Room 405

Research Interests: Natural language processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence.

Zhiyuan Li

Assistant Professor

PhD - Princeton University

Bio | Home Page | Room 508

Research Interests: Machine learning theory, analysis of deep learning, computational and sample efficiency of optimization methods.

Karen Livescu



Bio | Home Page | Room 433

Research Interests: Speech and language processing, and related problems in machine learning

Yury Makarychev


PhD - Princeton University

Bio | Home Page | Room 437

Research Interests: Theoretical computer science including combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithms, semi-definite programming, unique games, low-distortion metric embeddings, and lift-and-project methods.

David McAllester

Lenore Blum Professor


Bio | Home Page | Room 524

Research Interests: Machine learning theory, the theory of programming languages, automated reasoning, AI planning, computer game playing (computer chess), computational linguistics and computer vision.

Kanishka Misra

Research Assistant Professor

PhD - Purdue University

Bio | Home Page | Room 504

Research Interests: Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Cognitive Science, Evaluation of Language Models

Derek Reiman

Research Scientist

PhD - University of Illinois at Chicago

Bio | Room 507

Research Interests: Computational biology and bioinformatics, with a particular emphasis on developing interpretable machine learning methods for clinical and molecular datasets. He is particularly interested in the role of the microbiome in disease-related metabolic and immunological dysregulations.

Greg Shakhnarovich



Bio | Home Page | Room 424

Research Interests: Computational vision and machine learning. His current research is focused on automatic understanding of visual scenes, including recovery of three-dimensional structure and detection and categorization of objects. He is also generally interested in similarity-based, supervised and semi-supervised statistical learning methods.

Liren Shan

Research Assistant Professor

PhD - Northwestern University

Bio | Home Page | Room 409

Research Interests: Theoretical Computer Science including Approximation Algorithms and Algorithmic Game Theory.

Saeed Sharifi-Malvajerdi

Research Assistant Professor

PhD - University of Pennsylvania

Bio | Home Page | Room 410

Research Interests: Machine learning with ethical and societal constraints. More precisely: Algorithmic Fairness, Privacy-preserving Data Analysis, Machine Unlearning (Data Deletion), Adaptive Data Analysis, Learning Theory, Algorithmic Game Theory.

Nathan Srebro



Bio | Home Page | Room 503

Research Interests: Statistical and computational aspects of machine learning, and the interaction between them: statistical learning theory, probabilistic modeling, optimization. Applications in computational biology, text analysis and collaborative filtering.

Zhewei Sun

Research Assistant Professor

PhD - University of Toronto

Bio | Home Page | Room 516

Research Interests: Natural language processing, computational linguistics, machine learning for NLP, computational social science, language and cognition.

Ohad Trabelsi

Research Assistant Professor

PhD - Weizmann Institute

Bio | Home Page | Room 417

Research Interests: Fine-Grained Complexity and Design of Algorithms, focusing on classic problems such as Max-Flow.

Madhur Tulsiani

Professor, Director of Graduate Studies

PhD - University of California, Berkeley

Bio | Home Page | Room 505

Research Interests: Complexity Theory, Approximation Algorithms and Hardness of Approximation, Convex Optimization, Pseudorandomness, Arithmetic Combinatorics.

Matthew Turk



Bio | Home Page | Room 536

Research Interests: Computer vision and human-computer interaction

Ali Vakilian

Research Assistant Professor


Bio | Home Page | Room 518

Research Interests: Design and Analysis Algorithms for Massive Data, Learning Based (aka Data Driven) Algorithm Design and Algorithmic Fairness.

Santhoshini Velusamy

Research Assistant Professor

PhD - Harvard University

Bio | Home Page | Room 407

Research Interests: Combinatorial Optimization, Approximation Algorithms, Streaming Algorithms, Algorithmic Game Theory.

Matthew Walter

Associate Professor


Bio | Home Page | Room 408

Research Interests: Robotics, computer vision, natural language understanding, machine learning, and state estimation. His research focuses on probabilistic methods that enable robots to understand and operate within unstructured environments through multimodal perception and interaction, both with humans and their surroundings.

Jingyan Wang

Research Assistant Professor

PhD - Carnegie Mellon University

Bio | Home Page | Room 427

Research Interests: Learning from People, Fairness, Machine Learning, Statistics

Tianhao Wang

Research Assistant Professor

PhD - Yale University

Bio | Home Page | Room 405

Research Interests: High-dimensional statistics and learning, deep learning theory

Jinbo Xu


PhD - University of Waterloo

Bio | Home Page | Room 523

Research Interests: Computational biology and bioinformatics including homology search, protein structure prediction, and protein interaction prediction.

Visiting Faculty

Hongyuan Mei

Senior Research Scientist at Google

PhD - Johns Hopkins University

Bio | Home Page

Research Interests: Machine learning, neural probabilistic modeling, time series, natural language processing

Adjoint Faculty

David Forsyth

Adjoint Professor

Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

PhD - Balliol College, Oxford

Bio | Home Page

Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Computer vision, Computer graphics, Machine learning.

Sanjeev Khanna

Adjoint Professor

Professor, University of Pennsylvania

PhD - Stanford University

Research Interests: Approximation algorithms, combinatorial optimization, and sublinear algorithms

Svetlana Lazebnik

Adjoint Professor

Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

PhD - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Research Interests: Computer vision, including scene understanding, joint modeling of images and text, large-scale photo collections, and machine learning techniques for visual recognition problems.

Richard Lipton

Adjoint Professor

Professor and Frederick G. Storey Chair (emeritus), Georgia Institute of Technology

PhD - Carnegie Mellon University


Research Interests: Theoretical Computer Science

Robert Nowak

Adjoint Professor

Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison

PhD - University of Wisconsin-Madison


Research Interests: Signal processing, machine learning, optimization, and statistics.

Alexander Razborov

Resident Adjoint Professor

Professor, University of Chicago

PhD - Steklov Mathematical Institute


Research Interests: Complexity theory, and he is specifically interested in circuit complexity, proof complexity, quantum computations and communication complexity.

Yutaka Sasaki

Adjoint Professor

Professor, TTI-Japan

PhD - University of Tsukuba


Research Interests: Machine learning and its application to Natural Language Processing and biomedical informatics. Recent research interests include Order-Sorted Inductive Logic Programming and massively-parallel machine learning and their application to biomedical Text Mining.

Norimichi Ukita

Adjoint Professor

Professor, TTI-Japan

PhD - Kyoto University


Research Interests: Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Computer Graphics, Human Sensing and Modeling, Robotics

Stephen Wright

Adjoint Professor

Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison

PhD - University of Queensland

Bio | Home Page

Research Interests: Numerical Optimization

Courtesy Faculty

László Babai

George and Elizabeth Yovovich Professor, Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Chicago

PhD - Hungarian Acad. Sci., Budapest

Home Page

Research Interests: Complexity theory, algorithms, combinatorics, asymptotic group theory, and the many interactions among these fields, including problems of “pure mathematics” motivated by questions in the theory of computing.

Michael Franklin

Liew Family Chair of Computer Science, University of Chicago

PhD - University of Wisconsin

Home Page

Research Interests: Databases, Systems, Big Data

Rana Hanocka

Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago

PhD - Tel Aviv University

Home Page

Research Interests: Building artificial intelligence for 3D data, spanning the fields of computer graphics, machine learning, and computer vision.

Aly Azeem Khan

Assistant Professor, University of Chicago

PhD - Cornell University

Home Page

Research Interests: Computational biology, systems immunology, and machine learning.

Mladen Kolar

Associate Professor of Econometrics and Statistics, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago

PhD - Carnegie Mellon University

Home Page

Research Interests: High-dimensional statistical methods, graphical models, varying-coefficient models and data mining, driven by the need to uncover interesting and scientifically meaningful structures from observational data.

Michael Maire

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago

PhD - University of California, Berkeley

Home Page

Research Interests: Computer vision and machine learning. His research is centered around the development of algorithms for understanding visual scenes, with emphasis on the problems of object detection and segmentation.

Rad Niazadeh

Assistant Professor of Operations Management at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business

PhD - Cornell University

Home Page

Research Interests: Online algorithms and learning in markets and platforms, Algorithmic mechanism design and game theory, Algorithmic aspects of machine learning in operations research

Aaron Potechin

Assistant Professor, University of Chicago


Home Page

Research Interests: Computational complexity and discrete math. My current research focus is on the sum of squares hierarchy.

Janos Simon

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago

PhD - Cornell University

Home Page

Research Interests: Computational complexity, including machine-based complexity, communication complexity, models of parallel computation, distributed computation, algorithms, as well as problems inspired by the world wide web

Chenhao Tan

Assistant Professor, University of Chicago

PhD - Cornell University

Home Page

Research Interests: Human-centered machine learning, natural language processing, and computational social science

Rebecca Willett

Professor, Departments of Statistics and Computer Science, University of Chicago

PhD - Rice University

Home Page

Research Interests: Signal processing, machine learning, and large-scale data science

Haifeng Xu

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Data Science Institute, UChicago

PhD - University of Southern California

Home Page

Research Interests: Computational Economics, Machine Learning and Algorithm Design, particularly the interplay among them as well as their applications to recommender systems and e-commerce markets