Priorities: Enablers

I. Harnessing the Full Power of Partnership across the Range of UN Activities

  1. Scale up UN capacity to engage in transformative multi-stakeholder partnerships with the private sector, civil society, philanthropists and academia across a broader range of issue areas by creating a new UN Partnership Facility, which will catalyse commitments and promote accountability.
  2. Consolidate functions to create a coherent capacity for partnering consisting of the Global Compact and the UN Partnership Facility and coordinate system-wide partnership efforts.
  3. Enhance UN capacity to engage with traditional and new constituencies using the full range of outreach tools, including social media.

II. Strengthening the United Nations

  1. Ensure the more effective delivery of mandates and do more within recognized resource constraints through innovation and change management initiatives, including by facilitating a review of the current budget process.
  2. Build a modern workforce supported by a global Secretariat that shares financial, human and physical resources, knowledge and information technology more effectively, including through the robust implementation of the Umoja initiative.
  3. Make the United Nations more open, flexible and accountable, including by adopting a results-based planning, accountability and management system, streamlining budgeting and implementing a system-wide risk management approach.
  4. Launch a second generation of "Delivering as one", which will focus on managing and monitoring for results, ensuring increased accountability and improved outcomes.
  5. Enhance the safety and security of UN staff by mainstreaming security resource and personnel decisions through all relevant planning and budget processes, increasing security threat analysis capabilities at more UN field locations and improving national and international staff security training to match the threat environments in which the UN operates. The UN must also increase its support for staff affected by trauma.