
The latest with Lens: October 2023

Miles van Blarcum
Oct 4, 2023
Table of contents

What's New

What's about the size of your refrigerator, orbits Earth at ~17,000mph, and furthers our mission of bringing you as much high-quality imagery as possible in Lens? In case it helps, there's 21 of them and they're about 450km above us. To find out, read on below for a very exciting announcement and other updates in Lens.

Photo Credit: Planet (hint, hint)

Planet SkySat 0.5m imagery is here!

We're thrilled to offer 50-cm imagery from Planet's SkySat constellation in Lens. This new offering will include new imagery captures as well as Planet's extensive archive of imagery. Like other sub-meter imagery in Lens, it costs 6 cents per acre and you only pay for what you need. As with all commercial images, be sure to preview images

to ensure that the cloud cover, coloration, and exposure for the scene look good before ordering. While we can't predict imagery availability, Plus and Enterprise customers can task SkySat to guarantee coverage.

SkySat imagery is processing in your Lens account and is available for order. To see all of our commercial truecolor imagery options, see our article here.

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Image credit: Planet SkySat 0.5m, Nov. 23, 2022

More Analyze Area updates:

Larger Analyze Area graphs

Analyze Area can now be viewed in a larger format with just a click of a button. Simply click the Maximize button in the top right corner of the modal to enter "Big Mode", as it's endearingly called by our staff.

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 3.12.14 PM

Analyze Area controls updated

Our Analyze Area tool has new controls to make it easier to choose between layers, time ranges, and graph types. Speaking of which, have you explored the Area in Range graph type? It's a great way to visualize the areas of a property that have the highest vegetation vigor or highest burn severity, as shown below. Check it out here.

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Easier navigation while using Analyze Area

We've adjusted Analyze Area so that your selection polygon no longer shifts when you navigate around the selected area by using your cursor. You can still edit and move your selection by double clicking the polygon.

Custom date ranges

We've added a custom date range option in Analyze Area, allowing you to manually choose from a range of dates or commonly-used ranges like YTD, past 6 months, past water year, and past summer.

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 4.05.15 PM

New in Lens Library

Electric Power Transmission Lines Overlay

This dataset shows transmission lines for the electric power grid within the continental United States. It is provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Geospatial Management Office's Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data portal. This data was last updated in June of 2023.

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 4.10.39 PM

Lens refresher training resources

Need a Lens refresher or know someone who does? See our Welcome to Lens support article for a full-length Lens demo recording and other helpful resources. Don't forget that you can find our full collection of support articles here for specific questions. If your team could benefit from a live training, just reach out to me at lens@upstream.tech.

Welcome to Lens Video

Discount on Lens Plus for existing Focus customers

Interested in Lens Plus? Now's a great time to upgrade while we're running a $500 discount on Lens Plus. Lens Plus includes vegetation drop alerts, parcel ownership data, parcel owner alerts, streaming of commercial imagery into GIS, and more. See our article about Plus features here. Curious to learn more? Reach out to us at lens@upstream.tech.

Where on Earth?

The United States has more abandoned mines than any other country, with over 500,000 known and countless mines unrecorded. Check out this abandoned Colorado gold mine, where you can see the iron oxide drainage that polluted the Snake River Watershed for over a century. Thanks to an extensive cleanup effort by the EPA, which you can see in compare mode, iron oxide drainage from this mine has been reduced by over 90 percent.

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 4.24.33 PM
Imagery credit: NAIP 2009 and 2021

Hot Tip

Curious to see new SkySat images as they roll into your account? Navigate to your homepage and filter the Recent Activity section to Imagery.

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Check out the rest of our knowledge base to learn more about working in Lens, and know that you can always reach us at lens@upstream.tech with any questions.

Happy Monitoring!

Miles & the Lens Team