UserVoice Updates

4 min read

More Action, Less Analysis: Feedback Insights at your Fingertips

UserVoice Updates

4 min read

More Action, Less Analysis: Feedback Insights at your Fingertips

Today, we’re excited to announce two new dashboards now available in your UserVoice admin console. Our all new Idea Insights Dashboard and reimagined UserVoice Activity Report help you focus on the most important pieces of feedback and continuously improve your feedback program. Here’s how.

Defeat analysis paralysis and “wow” your customers

Now, when you log in to UserVoice, you’ll see our brand new Idea Insights Dashboard which gives you an always up-to-date view of key feedback insights. We’ve done the heavy lifting and surfaced important ideas here so you can dive right in feeling confident that you’re taking action on the most relevant ideas.The dashboard puts actionable insights right at your fingertips including:

Idea insights

An overview of recent idea activity to help surface ideas you may want to review, ask for more context on, or update the status of.

UserVoice Idea Insights report

Ideas that might need tidying up

A selection of ideas that haven’t received activity or status updates in a while so you can do a little housekeeping to keep your data relevant and your users in the loop.

UserVoice ideas that might need cleaning up

Ideas by status

An overview of how your ideas are distributed across each status so you can hold yourself and your team accountable for providing timely updates to users and internal teams.


No need to create complex reports or manually search for important ideas. We’ve gathered these insights for you so you can focus more on action and less on analysis and never miss an opportunity to engage and “wow” your customers again. Learn more about how you can use the Idea Insights Dashboard here.

Get a pulse on your feedback program’s health

If you’re investing any amount of time and resources into a customer feedback program, surely you want to make sure you’re getting the greatest possible return on that investment. To help you ensure you’re continuously improving your feedback program, we’ve reimagined our User Activity and Feedback Analysis reports to create our new UserVoice Activity Report.This handy report gives you a snapshot of your feedback program’s health so you can monitor engagement over time, identify opportunities to improve, and convey the value of your feedback program to the rest of your team.For example:

Idea activity

A snapshot of engagement and participation in your feedback program to help you track changes over time.

uservoice idea activity overview

Status updates

Shows you how well you’re keeping users and internal teams informed through status updates for you to stay accountable for not creating a perceived “feedback black hole.”

uservoice status updates report

Activity by source and forum

Gives you an overview of where feedback is being shared and helps you identify feedback channels with opportunities for improvement.

Get a more detailed overview of the UserVoice Activity report and some suggestions for how you can leverage it to improve your feedback program here.

Psst...We’re just getting started

Our new dashboards are just the beginning of some of the new magic we’re planning to bring you. In other words, there’s more where that came from, but we wanted to give you a little taste of what’s to come.We have a lot of ideas around how to further improve these dashboards to bring you and your teams even more useful insight, but the most valuable ideas are those we receive from our own customers. How can we make these even better? What information would you like to see in our next iteration of these dashboards?We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback so we can use it to continue to help you make the most out of your feedback program. Let us know what you think.

Matt Young